“gsundsi” = Vorarlberg dialect for ‘being healthy’ of body, soul & spirit in harmony with nature

gsundsi offers energetic cleansing, seminars & products for YOUR “being healthy”

Do you have these kinds of problems?

You are considered “therapy-resistant”?

You have tried “everything”?

But still want a solution?

Do you want energetic help, products or advice?

...Then please get in touch!

  • Fatigue / permanent tiredness, brain fog, exhaustion, lack of energy
  • Depression, aggression, headaches, migraines
  • Indigestion, constipation, stool problems
  • Unexplained pain, blockages....
  • Tired of life, Lost the meaning of life, Suicidal thoughts, No access to the soul & heart
  • Vaccination, PCR test & “shedding” after-effects (palpitations, sweating, trembling, nightmares, inner voices...)
  • Discomfort at home, EMF / electrosmog, SMART meter & WLAN problems, sleep disturbance, aggression
  • Bad karma, external energies, feeling of being watched or persecuted
  • You like an energetic & physical elimination of the side effect of COVID vaccination, PCR test & Shedding (headache, depression, tiredness...)!
  • You like to learn & reawaken the SOUL LANGUAGE / LIGHT LANGUAGE / SPEAKING IN TONGUES

...Then take what you need ONLINE here, or get in touch with Martina or Michael!

Logo Gsundsi




Michael König-Breuss is THE expert for soul language - light language - talking in tongues and liberation from karma, foreign energies and energetic blockages, as well as COVID-vaccination, PCR-test & Shedding (headache, depression, tiredness...). With the "König-Breuss-gsundsi method" he helps spiritually open people, therapists and coaches to dissolve burdensome karma, foreign energies of all kinds as well as soul blockades and self-doubt. He teaches them to do this themselves and enables them to build their inner strength and to use their spiritual gifts for themselves and clients for a life of clarity, power, success, strength and self-empowerment. His achievements are life changing.

Michael König-Breuss
Martina König

Martina König is responsible for product sales and personal advice. We are wholesalers of Share Detox and colon cleansing products (Share Original Plum, Share Pomelozzini, Share Aqua d'Oro). In addition, she is a consultant to ROOT for vaccination, Shedding & heavy metal elimination & Natural Dietary Supplements, as well as Platinum Power Food and Haritaki Ayurveda Powder. She paints channeled images of angels and uses them to create fashion, pillows and more, found at Angel-in-a Shop. You can also get ALPHA & OMEGA and Sanuslife water energizing devices.

Martina König
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